Register your Fundraiser
As an independent not-for-profit organisation we are highly dependent on the generosity of people like you. We began in 1988 as a small group of like-minded people who shared a passion for wildlife. With nurturing, this grassroots effort grew into the far-reaching emergency response and rescue service that is Wildlife Victoria today. We have seen the incredible results that come from collaboration and outreach, and we invite you to join our community as a Wildlife Victoria Community Fundraiser.
Wildlife Victoria welcomes fundraising registrations from schools, community groups, businesses and individuals.
If you have any questions regarding fundraising, reach out to or call our office line on 0394450310
First Name
Last Name
Company or Organisation
Methods of Fundraising
Description of Event
Date(s) of Fundraiser
Preferred payment method Credit card Direct Funds Transfer Online platform (i.e. GoFundraise, GoFundMe) Cash
Guidelines I have read and agree to adhere to the Wildlife Victoria Community Fundraiser Guidelines